yet another masterpiece...
Absolutely flawless and historically accurate. Perfect animation that leaves the viewer confused; wondering whether this is done with flash or shot with an actual video camera. I don't know who did the voice acting but I would hire them again if I were you.
My favorite part is that you left it open ended. Do I smell a sequel? Also great them, also true to the story. Don't do drugs, before it's too late? Only a mastermind would have thought of that. I also sensed that there was a deeper message that had to do with a few of the characters. All of them in fact. The message, (or messages i should say) is that we must over fish our waters, close off the borders; to keep out the mexicans, but only after we allow them to kill the Native Americans who are trying to steal the land that belongs to the badgers.
My only suggestion to you is to keep up the solid work and maybe someday, you'll be as important to the world as Mel Gibson him self. If it weren't for him I'd still be trying to achieve, which is useless because people like yourself and Mr. Gibson do all the achieving for us. Just like Jesus did with Community service for our sins.
Once again, I thank you for educating all of us and bringing something to us that can sit close to our hearts, clogging our valves and eventually, even killing us. God Bless You.